
Take Chances~ Make Mistakes~ Get Messy

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Time is Here

The Time is Here

On Wednesday of last week (June 18th) we got the official call that our homestudy had been completed and that the paperwork was being submitted to the state! YA!!! AND in the same call she told us about 2 great kids who have a respite (short term) need.  Needless to say,  after YEARS of talking and LOTS of training we were excited to say YES!  A short term (just long enough for it to be a bit more than just a vacation) with 2 very great kids is by far the world's best first placement.  So we waited for 5 LONG days for them to arrive.  Today with 1 1/2 hours to spare before rushing everyone off to VBS, we helped settle the kids down and introduce them to our home (and theirs for the next few weeks). 

As excited as we were; my heart still stung for these kids.  The fact they had to go somewhere they didn't know and stay with people they have never met really broke my heart.  Two very shy quiet kids (which for the record, has not even last the whole first day :) came in and looked a little lost... very curious and slightly sad.  Today all my training and all my research did no good.  Today I prayed.  I prayed for 2 precious lives... for 2 young souls who are a bit lost... a bit curious...and have had a ton of sadness.  See God is big and no training no research can ever begin to do even a fraction of the work that he can!  So tonight when I tuck in 4 kids instead of 2 I am going to PRAY because that is something BIG I can do today.  "

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.   Matthew 19:26

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summer Learning

Summer School  Learning

Well it's summer time and of course there are a lot more kids out and about during the day hours then when we run errands on days when kids are at school... this has begun to present a small issue. My kids are asked EVERY time we are out... How is your summer? Do you like no school?... Pause.... awkward silence then they look at me , I smile, they reply, "We are homeschooled".  Another awkward pause... person stares at me with HUGE eyes and says, "YOU SCHOOL ALL YEAR ROUND?".   I smile again and rely, "We learn all year round, if that is what you are asking."

So do we school all year round?  The answer is we don't school any year round.  I don't like the word. I have come to despise it to be honest.  I found saying we are learning and finding out new things and exploring is SO much nicer sounding and much more accurate to what is going on.  So no, we are not schooling this summer or next year or even in high school.  We are learning.  

Ok, Ok, here it comes the roars- give me a second to explain.  School has changed since you and I went.  School has begun to be ran like a business and with that there are lots of business transactions.  There are lots of risk and even more lots of discussion regarding everything but STUDENTS LEARNING!  So no I don't dislike schools in general and often there are MANY great people working really hard to make sure that kids are being put first and doing the best they have with what they are given (even when that is not enough).  But like any other job, when the person making the decisions is not the persons in charge of the day to day running of it... things are lost.. and in school that is a BIG BIG problem in my opinion. 

 Do I believe everyone should homeschool? Of course not. I believe EVERYONE should pray and ask God for serious guidance in this area.  Am I against school? No not at all, what I am against is people making decisions for MY family without knowing WHO we really are.  Our policy is the same as always, "Each kid (INDIVIDUALLY), each year, where God wants them".

 I don't want my kids to love school. I want them to love learning.   

So here is our summer list:

  •  We have the most awesome summer board of activities we are working on.  As we complete various fun projects we will replace them with pictures of us doing said ideas! At the end of summer, I do believe, we will have one awesome wall of memories.  I have to say I am not sure 50 was enough- we have already completed miniature golf, tea parties, bird feeder making, sleep overs, go carts, yard baseball games, picnics and it's only been a WEEK!

  • Library, Library, Library.  We are so busy with our reading program.  This is not a new thing for us as a family but the idea of taking what we are doing and getting fun library tickets for prizes has really upped the ante on reading time!

  •  Summer piano!  This is play whatever you want, whenever you want.  Something about having no expectations has brought out the music in this ole piano.  It is the center of dance parties, chorus singing, and of course individual enjoyment playing.

  • Liberty Kids & Magic School Bus & Art instruction DVD's... with no "learning" on the brain and lots of morning outside playing and running around has caused there to be an increase quiet afternoon DVD hour.   Me: "Fine, I guess you can watch TV this afternoon for an hour" Them: "Yes, we can watch ...." (and mind you it doesn't matter how cool I am-or think I am- I really can never EVER be as cool as the Frizz)

  • The craft room is flowing.. out.. out of the room and onto the floor, the table, the couch... there are bracelets being made, pictures are being painted, paper being cut for mache projects, origami folding, glue is EVERYWHERE, fabric is being sewed- its a creative disaster (and I LOVE it).
  • Kitchen is open.  Dog treats are being made, 4H cakes are being decorated, cookies are cooling, brownies are baking- seriously, I am almost wondering if our cost of living is increased over the summer because our dishwasher, oven, and fridge are being MAXED out with creations!

  • Outside... they are outside.. somewhere.  One day I had to clean off the mud used to mimic Native American war paint, or buy more garden seeds (mine had decided to plant themselves), random things are being lugged out to the big tree (I hear an intense game of survival is being played), garden plants are spotting and kids are screaming for cameras to take pictures or videos (might end up in a scrap book if they can find more glue), the trampoline is a picnic table, a game table, an exercise gym and even a pet cage at times (our poor kitty). Bikes, more bikes, go carts, scooters have littered the yard (to the point that its massive clean up on mow the grass days).  OHHH, and a family favorite has become the nightly baseball game being played.  We've had uncles, aunts, cousins, and friends join us for some baseball/softball fun.

 But your right, its summer and NOPE were not in school! But right now, I have to go because one of my kids just wrote this amazing story and need me to help them find a word in the dictionary. 

 Summer Sun Blessings,

Tara J. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

A lesson in Patience

A Lesson in Patience - The Final Step Postponed
So very very close.  Today should of been the day... but like so many other things there has been a hold up.  A very small one.. honestly one I kinda felt in my Spirit (looking back I can see this- not so much in the moment).   After 36 OHIO hours (not to mention the NC hours we already completed, which was 40 hours) we have done everything... all the training, all the inspections, interviews, and paperwork.  We really thought today our home-study would go to the state so we could begin the next step ... but... there was something minor.  A human error (not ours per say) that has made it so we have one more step.  See when we moved back to Ohio we never switched our driver licenses.  We had just got our NC ones and we didn't really need it.. I know, I know your thinking DUH!  I did too but you see we had asked (actually had a couple conversations about it) and was told over and over it was no big deal (the state actually doesn't care about this - its the credited association that requires it).  After processing it all and getting over my original frustrations it really is no big deal.  We will just make a call and take care of it... but that can't be done til tomorrow.  So another day to remember the words of the Lord and wait on him.  

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord,“plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.

What you doing in... MAY?

It's May!?!

Well, I can't believe it but its true... The winter is OVER!   It's May and that means it's busy time.  So let me run through somethings we are working on here in May....

May Madness Includes:

  1. Wrap up school- even though we school through the summer on, what I like to call quarter days (a time to work on something specific you are struggling with or just review things we have already learned) we do have to wrap up and officially end this year.   
  2. In Ohio we have to either portfolio review with a teacher (show them what you studied and progress made) OR test (with a state approved standard test)... so figuring out who is doing what (I like to test to see some scores but I don't test each kid, each year).
  3. It's time to really spend some serious time in prayer and discussion about what next year is going to look like for each kid.  We have a firm policy that states "Each kid individually what they need"... educational needs change, as my kids change.  So it's time for us to really sit this one down and look at each child and figure out what worked, what didn't, why or why not.. what to do next year... 
  4. Summer stuff- after review is when I normally come up with my summer list... it's saying what I want you to continue to work on.  I really strive for independent work and things that are non-time consuming for this time of year.  Example:  Maybe a spelling workbook and then a math review book along with a book a week of reading.  
  5. Next year curriculum... what are you thinking regarding that?!?  Answer: no idea not thinking about that at all yet!
  6. Birthday/birthday/celebrations- we have a lot of May celebrations taking place this year.  My own kids and families kids have birthdays, Mother's days, cook out season starts... This year there is a HUGE surprise thing taking place at the end of May for my girls (more about that AFTER it happens- can't risk the surprise).
  7. We are ALMOST done! Yes, I know it's crazy! After 4 years (we moved states and had to start ALL OVER) of paperwork, training, training and MORE training, we are almost completed with our foster/adoption license... Just a quick idea of what this includes (but not limited to)... phone calls, LOTS of them. To doctors for EVERY member of family to have physicals, calls and more calls to the state fire marshal for inspection of home, dogs to vets (this is X3) for all shots and wellness appointments, well water test, home safety audit, interviews/interviews/and more interviews, copies of everything from your driver's license to your phone bills, lots more training and paperwork (did I mention that enough?), rearranging of the home (almost 3 times) to figure out the best set up for bedrooms (following strict guidelines of who can be in which room with whom and how old, gender, ect..) BUT THERE IS LIGHT!  There is light at the end of this tunnel! It's bright!  It's like eating an elephant- one bite at a time (a HORRIBLE metaphor but you get my point)!
  8. Vitamin D... exist outside.  All winter we planned outside things to do (while longingly staring out the  window)... field trips we wanted to take, walks that need walked, bikes that need bike rides, fairy gardens need planted, vegetable and flowers that need grown...