
Take Chances~ Make Mistakes~ Get Messy

Godly Wife

"We have not come into this world to be numbered; we have been created for a purpose; for great things; to love and be loved" -Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Godly Wife, Loving Mother, Christ Centered, Ever Seeking...

Hello! Hello!  Something you might not know about me... I LOVE to read, I am CONSTANTLY looking for books and I LOVE learning (did the homeschooling give that away?)... That being said, I am often involved in book studies, bible studies, and in general book reading.  I have had some amazing life moments that were inspired by a study or a group or something I have read.   I am really looking to use this section as a chance for a bit more of a personal area.  A place where I can write my thoughts on something I am reading or studying and be able to go back later and look at them.  That being said, I am still going to publicly publish them.  We will see how this goes.  If my thought patterns and sharing helps someone or inspires then AWESOME but please remember that this is personal and I am human and full of faults but most of all I am CONSTANTLY SEEKING....

What Am I working on in a biblical sense?

Specific Book Studies (my journal notes- thoughts ideas- impressions):

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